Archive for January, 2006

you are invited february 12

Sunday, January 15th, 2006

day into night poster

classics without walls is proud to announce an evening dedicated to Wagner’s Tristan und Isolde to be led by our good friend, Phil Raines, of Washington, DC. We convene at the Hayes Street Grill before sunset for Phil’s presentation of Act One, followed by a three-course dinner especially designed for the event by Patricia Unterman. Act Two is followed by dessert, then Act Three will round out the evening and send us on our way around 8:30.

Phil will give us a tour through the opera with his wonderful selection of audiovisuals and his congenial technique of focusing the attention without narrowing it.

The date is Sunday, February 12 — the evening of the full moon for February — with no-host bar open at 4:30 PM, and the presentation beginning at 5:00. The price of $75 includes dinner; space is limited to 50.

Phil is honored to dedicate the evening to the memory of Birgit Nilsson.

To register, email me or call me direct at 415-731-7131.

We hope to see you there!


UPDATE: Register for Day into Night and pay online via PayPal:

day into night poster