Congratulations, Ben Fong-Torres . . .

February 12th, 2007 · < mtheo >

. . . for being the first reporter in the entire Chronicle organization actually to report on the Bonneville/Entercom trade. Three and a half weeks late, and in a special-interest section of the entertainment throwaway, but at least it’s actual reportage. Apart, that is, from its merely repeating what the gossip column already “broke” with a couple of added facts and quotes thrown in.

Garchik noted that “Entercom’s top guy plays violin and is said to be classically minded” (emphasis mine), while Fong-Torres quotes Bill Lueth thus: “I hear that the founder of Entercom is an arts lover” (ditto). I guess hearsay is as good as news. I suppose we could wait around for someone at the Chron to pick up the phone and do some actual reporting about this mysterious fiddler, but methinks it will be a long wait.

My, but this is wearisome. Thank God I’m not a reporter; I wouldn’t know what to do with all that spare time.

By the way, I hear that KDFC has begun to acknowledge the station’s sale on the air. Thank God I’m not a reporter, or I’d have to ascertain this by way of some extended listening. <shudder>

Oh, and News Flash: Bill Lueth also sez “This could mean the end [sic] of classical music radio [sic] in San Francisco.” One can only hope.

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